Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I didn't do it the Gremlins did!!!!

So at some point during the past two weeks of class, we talked shortly about Gremlins. Gremlins are those little creatures known for being most mischievous and mechanical skilled. Apparently they particularly like air crafts. There are many stories about airmen saying the Gremlins cause the malfunctions on their air crafts. Either way when something goes a-rye either with machines or something goes missing one can almost bet they are behind it. 

Earlier this semester my phone charge mysteriously went missing. Yeah, I know what your thinking. You think I just accidentally miss placed it, but I didn't the Gremlins took it! I looked all over at work, strip searched my room, and even emptied my backpack. Nothing! No, trace of it anywhere. So of course I broke down and bought another. A day and a half later I was pulling out my computer charger, and low and behold tangled up in it was my old phone charger! 

That isn't the only time something weird has happened. The mechanic at my work absolutely hates when I work, because every time I step through the door the machines tend to break or act up. It's is unusual if I don't call him once a week for a broken machine. The first week I worked 3 of the lanes went down within 30mins and there was 60 people. At least once a week (and that's if it's a good week) there is a huge break down when I work. 

(a Gremlin in Hollywood's eyes)

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