Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Class notes 23-30, 2013

Jan. 23, 2013

  • Everything you need is in your back yard 
    • Apollo and Daphne 
      • Bernini
      • Forgotten
    • Cave of Dreams (movie) WATCH!
    • William Shakespeare 
      • Sonnet 73
        • old
        • twilight - sun goes down
        • autumn
        • fire
      • Lycidas
        • John Milton
      • Apollo & Daphne
        • Cupids Arrow
        • pursued & pursuer 
        • she fled
          • she became more beautiful as she fled
        • turned into a tree
          • Laurel tree
        • Laure- leaf placed on the head of winners
      • Etiology
        • study of causation or origins understanding of myth as an explanation of the origins of cult practices 
      • The Hero with a Thousand Faces 
      • Iliad 
        • ex nihilo (nothing)
          • by though or feeling
        • Earth diver
        • Dividing in two 
          • Heaven & Earth
        • creation of dismembering a being (deities)

      Jan 25, 2013

      • sacred accounts
        • found in nearly all religions
        • at that time
        • in illo tempor
      • Tao Te Ching
      • ex nihilo
        •  through though, word dream or bodily secretion of divine being
      • earth diver
        • mostly Indian
      • etiological
      • Babylonian Creation Myth
        • Enuma Elish
          • When on High
        • Marduk (hero)
          • cuts body into two
        • Axis Mundi
          • cosmic axis, world axis
        • age of speech
          • creation of memory
        • Forbidden Fruit

      Jan. 28, 2013
      • Boshongo Creation Myth
      • Salish Creation Myth
      • Finish Creation Myth
      • Zulu Creation Myth
      • Greek Persian Creation Myth
      • Maori Creation Myth
      • Thompson Indian Creation Myth
      • Slavic Creation Myth
      • Persian Creation Myth
      • Isaac Esma Book Last Questrian
      • Grovant Indian Creation Myth
      Jan. 30, 2013
      • Inca Creation Myth
      • Celtic Creation Myth
      • Inuit Creation Myth
      • Cherokee Creation Myth
      • Ancient Egyptian Myth
      • Norse Creation Myth
      • Hungarian Creation Myth
      • Upanishads Creation Myth
      • Korean Creation Myth
      • Aboriginal (Australian) Creation Myth
      • Aztec Creation Myth
      • Egyptian (Atem) Creation Myth
      • Egyptian Creation Myth
      • Raven Creation Myth (North Western)
      • Mayan Creation Myth
      • Mongolian Creation Myth

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