Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Forbidden Fruit

So awhile back in class we discussed Adam and Eve and the Forbidden Fruit. Like most kids growing up I had heard this story numerous times. The story I was told went something like the following: God created man and from man he created woman. He placed man and woman in a garden and told them they may eat and do whatever they like EXCEPT eat the fruit from the tree in which the snake lived. Eve was walking in the garden one day and she came across the tree with the snake. And with some cunning words of encouragement from the snake Eve ate of the Forbidden Fruit. She then gave some to Adam and well God found out he wasn't all to happy. The original sin had been made and we now live in the world today. 

So I did a little looking and found an interesting YouTube video that has an alternate theory about how the event actually played out.

Anyways the entire point of this blog was to tell you all about my recent experience with my own version of the Forbidden Fruit. So recently I quite smoking, which to most people it doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Its not like being addicted to some hardcore drugs of even alcohol in most peoples eyes, but unless you've been there you really don't know. Even I don't have a right to say that because unlike most people who smoke, I didn't smoke right. How you may ask? Easy I didn't inhale right. Instead of inhaling into my lungs I kept the smoke in my mouth like you would a cigar. Which is what I had originally smoked before smoking cigarettes. So I didn't get the big nicotine buzz that most people do when they smoke. But enough about inhaling right, I'll get to my point. When I stopped smoking I felt like a little kid who had gotten her toy taken away, it was in sight but out of reach. I compared it to the Forbidden Fruit something I wanted but got told I couldn't have. 

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