Sunday, March 3, 2013

Stories Over and Over and Over again.......

Stories, we all spend our lives telling them. About this, about that, about people, but some. Some stories are so good that we wished they'd never end. The are so gripping that we'll go with out sleep to see a little bit more. Some stories bring us laughter, some times they bring us tears, but isn't that what a story does, makes you feel. Stories are so powerful, they really are with us forever. 
- Dustin Hoffman

This post is way late, but it's in regards to repetition and stories. When we are little we love doing or watching things over and over. We love playing the same games, reading the same books, and watching the same movies. It's almost as if we would never get bored of doing it, at that time in our lives we love doing it. As we get older we grow old, we become more opposed to doing something over and over. Some people say things like "Different day, same shit." or "Same old, same old." But is that really true? Did they really relive the same exact things as they did yesterday or the day before that? If so, I think you maybe stuck in the movie Groundhog Day, and I would suggest getting some serious help at that point.

The quote above in my mind puts the way I think and feel about stories into words for others to understand. Everything we have done, are doing, and will do in the future will become stories. Stories for us to tell, for others to to tell. Our memories are the story they just haven't been given a voice yet. When we share those memories they become the stories people tell about us long after we have passed.
I love telling stories, hearing them, reading them, and watching them. There is something about them that make me feel. Feel like I'm right there in the middle of all the action, the heartbreak, the happiness, and the sorrow. They have a way of pulling me from reality into the a world of imagination where the impossible is possible.

I tell stories all the time, if you ask my friends I have my favorites that I love to tell. Sometimes I'll tell someone the same story two or thee times with out even realizing that I already told them. To some its annoying as hell, to others they really don't mind. The way I see it is that I never tell the story the same twice. The place is different, the mood is different, and the story applies differently this time compared to the last time. Like a mentioned in class I actually ask my Grams to tell me stories I have heard time and time again because I love to hear them. What I didn't say was as much as I like to hear the story again and again, I love the look on her face when she tells it. I know that in that moment, she loves to tell it as much as I love hearing it.

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