Thursday, January 17, 2013

In a World Entirely My Own

Last night I entered a world of my own. I had dream inside a dream. Don't ask what the dream was because it is unimportant. The dream within the dream is the one you should be curious about. 

My mother is taking a friends son out to look at our sheep. They hop into one of the golf cart thing s and take off. I follow shortly after in my mothers car, I'm not driving though. A man is I don't know who it is, but I know he is familiar and that I can trust him. As we are driving to the pasture it is pitch black. In the middle of the road, stood a man dressed in black from head to toe. His hood covered his face making me even more weary of him. My drive starts to slow down  to ask the guy if he needed help. In the distance I saw another man dressed the same, with no houses or vehicles in sight. I begged and pleaded with my driver to continue driving, that I felt that something was wrong. Listening to my pleas he speed up passing both strangers.  When we arrived at the T I told him to turn left, but not to turn on his blinker. I could still see the strangers in the review mirror following us. As we turned left I saw the golf cart my mother was driving in the ditch, my mother and the boy were not insight. Suddenly two people screaming and waving their arms came running towards our car. I told the driver to stop, I unlocked the door and my mother and the boy got in. As the driver sped away, the strangers stopped chasing us. 

I awoke with my phone ringing, with my sisters name on the caller I.D. 

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