Friday, January 11, 2013

I have never blogged before so please bare with me for the first few attempts.

My name is Cyrill Wend Hergenrider. My name is one that has a unquie spelling as well as story behind it. My last name is of course German, however my family didn't immigrate from Germany. In fact they immigrated from Russia. Now to the story of how I was named. My mother decided that it was wise to let my four year old cousin at the time name me. He was of course like many his age and in the region obsessed with cowboys and indians. My first name was to be Corral, yes as in the enclosure that keeps horses penned up. Wind as though wind was blowing through the horses mains. And I was giving my fathers last name however my cousin thought of it as an indian name, meaning rider of horses. This was a great idea except if you have ever been around little kids their speech is not always clear. My mother failed to hear my intend first and middle name correctly so instead of my name being Corral Wind Hergenrider, it became Cyrill Wend Hergenrider. However, I still pronounce it the same.

I will admit that I am not one of those people who is very knowledgable in the study of myths. Besides the section I covered in 8th grade and high school, I don't know a whole lot. I do love reading them but my true love lies in Fairytales, which according to Dr. Sexson falls under the many definitions mythos. I have the complete works of the Grimm Brothers as well as other versions of their fairytales. I recently just finished reading a book called The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly, and something that Dr. Sexson said about myths wanting to be told reminded me of a certain passage from the book.

“Without a human voice to read them aloud, or a pair of wide eyes following them by flashlight beneath a blanket, books had no real existence in our world. Like seeds in the beak of a bird waiting to fall to earth, or the notes of a song laid out on a sheet, yearning for an instrument to bring their music into being. they lie dormant hoping for the chance to emerge.They want us to give them life.” 
- John Connolly The Book of Lost Things

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