Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Destiny in Disguise

Fate and My Weekend

When thinking about our assignment "go have a coincidence" I though that coincidence just don't happen when you want them. It's not like you can call a business and ask the person on the other end, "Hey, can you make sure I have a coincidence today. It's an assignment for my mythologies class." If you know of a place like that please let me know! 

Any ways back to my story. So my sister (really my best friend) came down. We were head back home for the weekend and I was telling her how out of all the times I have had to drive home, I haven't seen one cop. Boy was I wrong. No less than a mile off the exit was the a Hypo sitting on the access patch of the interstate. Next thing you know no less that 20 to 30 cop cars are between Livingston and Big Timber! Way to go for opening my mouth! Thankfully they were more concerned with the semis going off the road, then they were with people (a.k.a. me) going 5 to 10 miles over the speed limit. 

That wasn't the only time I encountered what would normally be called a coincidence. Earlier in the week I was working a closing shift that the SUB Rec. Center. I was training a new guy how to close and open for this weekend. I was telling him that Ask Us isn't allowed to leave until we close, and on the rare occasion they do to take the cash bag and keys to the Police Dept. As far as I knew this had only happened once in the past 2 semesters. After closing Ryan and I go to take the cash bag to Ask Us. What did we find? Nobody. The lights were off and there was no desk attendant. The janitor asked if I knew where the guy was, and of course I didn't. So for the first time in 2 semesters I had to take the cash bag all the way over to the Police department. 

"There is no such thing as coincidences, just the illusion of coincidences."

- V

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