Monday, January 21, 2013

Everybody Needs Love

Me hugging a tree back home. It needed some love!

             Trees In Mythology

 The Story of Apollo and Daphne 

(Picture to the right)

Once upon a time the god Apollo mocked Cupid. In doing so the god of love struck Apollo with an arrow made with gold and a point. This arrow aroused love, while Cupid struck Daphne (a nymph), with an arrow made of lead and dull point. This arrow made Daphne indifferent to love. 

Apollo fell in love with Daphne and seduce. However, in sensitive to the sun gods love Daphne ran from him. In the end she begged her father, for help. Answering his daughters call, he turned Daphne into a laurel tree. Because of this the laurel tree became very sacred to Apollo. 

Birth of Adonis

(picture to the left)

Once up a time a girl named Myrrha was in love with her father Cinyras. Feeling that there was no solutions to her dilemma, she attempted to kill herself only to be saved by her nurse. After learning the girl's secret the nurse helped Myrrha. One night the nurse told the king that a fair maiden was madly in love with him. The nurse then led Myrrha to her father, where the laid together for nine nights. 

Finally curious about what his lover looked like
he lit her face.  Horror over came him when he
saw his daughters face. Cinyras attempted to kill
his daughter, Myrrha escaped though. She begged
the gods to turn her into another living being. The 
gods herd her plea and transformed her into a tree. 
A child grew inside of Myrrha (in tree form) until the bark broke and a boy was born he was called Adonis. Myrrha was able to give birth to Adonis through the help of Lucina (picture bottom left), the goddess of childbirth.


           Impelluso, Lucia . "Apollo and Daphne."Myths Tales of the Greek and Roman Gods
New York: Arbrams, 2008. 114-118. Print.

           Impelluso, Lucia . "Venus and Adonis."Myths Tales of the Greek and Roman Gods.
New York: Arbrams, 2008. 184. Print. (for pictures)

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