Wednesday, April 10, 2013

The End happened in The Beginning

On Monday we were talking about Jim Morrison's (The Doors) song the end and how it was talking about apocalypse. I have been meaning to post a blog about a piece of art work that I feel in love with at the beginning of the semester and just haven't gotten around to it until now. Which is the perfect opportunity to do it, because it in fact is painting of Jim Morrison. A few friends and I were waiting for a table for dinner, when we decided to walk down main street to kill some time. We went into the record store (can never remember the name of it) and that's where I found it. Down stairs was an art gallery of some work of a local artist. 
The Doors of Perception

I instantly fell in love with this painting, there was no question that I want it in my house someday. I found this shortly after talking about trees and I found it to be very symbolic. The trees in the paint are much more than trees the change (morph) into the faces of Jim Morrison, Bob Marley, and Jimmy Hendrix. I love the fact that nothing is as it seems. The first time I saw this was from across the room and it looked like some trees with smoke and a forest fire. As I got closer the painting appeared to change in front of my eyes. No longer was trees blackened by flames, but it was face, no it was multiple faces. This is the reason why I like it so much it changed and I saw it for what it really was. 

The artist site:

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