Monday, April 1, 2013

Chain of thought.....

So you know how someone says one little thing and it just sends your brain on a race. One clue leads to the next until some how you end up in some foreign place with no clue how you got. That happened to me today in class. I felt like I was the little kid in that comic strip where Calvin rolls a snowball down a hill and it keeps growing until and then it rolls into the kid at the bottom.(See bottom of blog for comic strip).
     First thing that started the snowball effect was Sibyl or Cybil. I do not know a 3D heart beating in a body that I can touch. I did how ever grow up with a Sibyl however she spelt her name Sybill. She talked, walked, cried, drank and ate like all other Sibyl's however she did it with in the contents the pages of book. If you haven't guessed who I am talking about it is none other than Ms. Sybill Trelawny herself.  When Professor Sexson was talking about the seer who read the leaves that had blown into the cave, my mind instantly jumped to the scene in the 3rd Harry Potter book where the Hogwarts students are reading tea leaves in Divinations class. Professor Trelawny is a "seer" she is portrayed as a poor one or a fraud. However she does carry the ability of the second sight just not on a regular basis, she does after all give the prophecy of Harry and Voldemort and later on the one about Wormtail. This is pretty boring stuff to most, but my mind made another connection. Sybill Trelawny is the great great granddaughter of Cassandra Trelawny who was also a seer. Why is this so important? Cassandra is the seer of Troy. Everything she prophesies is true, but no one believes. When the events happens that she for warns people of, they never remember she was right. Kind of like Sybill people think she is a fraud a fake no one believes, but when the two prophecies she made come true most forget it was her who made them. My favorite childhood book just became mythological it only took me 12years to find the truth....

     Second thing that kept the snowball going even farther than that was the mention of the movie Seventh Seal. I will admit that I have never watched this in my life (probably will go procrastinate and watch it after I'm done writing this). However, about 5 years ago I came a crossed a book series that some guys in my high school were reading. Of course being the book fanatic that I was, I wanted to see what all the hype was about. The series was called Demonata. With out giving too much away I'll give a quick summary of the first book which is called Lord Loss. Grubbs the main character finds out about demons which causes him to go somewhat insane. Then his uncle comes along and tells him he knows about the demons too. blah... blah... blah... the point is this kid who is like 12 ends up playing the Demon Loss in a game of chess for his life. Apparently people were not lying when the said I should learn the game. Playing chess and telling stories both save lives in the end... guess I better get on that.

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