Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Notes Jan. 9-18, 2013

Jan. 9, 2013

  • Mythos is stories, fairy tales, fables
  • Mythology
    • precedent behind all actions
  • Origins
    • back to the beginning
  • Story of Mary & Martha
    • only 1 thing is necessary
    • biblical
  • Metamorphoses
    • transformation of Souls
    • chapter 15
      • story of Pythagoras
  • In ilo tempore
    • everything goes back to myth
  • 3 Divisions of myth
    • Aristotle
    • beginning, middle & an end
      • referenced in Alice in Wonderland the King
      • Start at the beginning and go until you reach the end
  • Logos is "the world"
    • can also mean truth, fact
  • Mythology
    •  comes from mythos & logos
      • combining stories and truth

Jan. 11, 2013

  • Sequence of Myths
    • beginnings
      • creations stories
    • middle
      • initiation
    • returns
      • death 
      • returns
  • King Midas and the Barber story
  • Initiation - Pain
    • scars
    • patterns 
    • learning experience
    • signals transformation
    • where there is a scar there is a story 
      • scars are very mythological
  • Piece of Psyche
    • story of Psyche & Cupid
    • Precedent 
      • Cinderella 
      • Snow White
  • Sparagmos 
    • Wikipedia

Jan. 14, 2013

  • Memory Palaces
    • odder & more interesting the better
    • allows entire universe to be held with in the mind
  • Henrik Isben
    • plays
    • A Doll's  House 
  • Hug a Tree
    • take a picture
    • Daphne & Apollo
    • Adonis' birth
  • According to Myth
    • everything is alive
  • Braving obstacles
    • mythology in every day life
      • sings, clues, & symbols 
      • Call to Adventure
        • everyone has their own
  • All stories are de-generated Myths
  • Contract with the Frog
    • Don't forget
    • Princess & the Frog
    • really a call to adventure
  • Mono-myth
    • separation, initiation, & transformation 
  • After Ovid: New Metamorphoses
    • contemporary reality
      • Ovid still applicable
    • "mythical key to extreme forms of Human behavior
      • Holocaust, sexual harassment, suicide, sex change, torture, war, etc. 
  • Italo Calvino 
    • writer
    • compact point at beginning of the World
      • Big Bang Theory 
    • Ovid's story is of rapidity
    • overlapping & high speed 

Jan. 16, 2013

  • No such thing as distractions
    • always leads to mythology
  • Epiphany
    • Christian festival
    • manifestation of a deity
  • Zen to Primitive
    • Hyperborean
      • Norse mythology
  • The Song-lines
  • Displacement of Creation Myth
    • useful
  • Book 11
    • Orpheus singing
    • Maenads
      • Crazy women

Jan. 18, 2013

  • Orpheus
    • stories within stories
    • Arabian Nights
      • 6 Levels
      • recursive stories
  • Theseus & Pirithous
    • Theseus killed Minotaur
      • abandoner of woman
  • Helen
    • born out of an egg
    • daughter of Ledna and Zeus
    • raped by Zeus in form of a swan
    • "a sudden blow great wings beating still"
      • W.B. Yeats
    • Caster and Pollox- Helen's brothers from one egg
    • Helen and Clytemnestra- born from Ledna's second egg
  • Pirithous
    • Persephanie (wife of hades)
    • gets stuck on bench
    • tells Hercules saves Pirithous
    • ripped off part of his tush
    • why Greek men have small butts
  • Sunday & Cybele
  • pg. 278 sing the song of Jove
  • pg. 267 Pygmalion
    • made a woman 
    • fell in love
    • to modest to advances
    • was she alive or not?
    • he called her his wife
    • bring to life
    • blessed by Venus
    • had a baby girl
      • Pretty Woman
      • My Fair Lady
        • George Bernard Shaw
          • mythology is the president of everything
  • synchronicity
    • unlikely to occur together
    • no coincidence
    •  concept of Jung
  • Sisyphus
    • push rock up hill for all of eternity 
  • Ixion 
    • wheel of fire torture all of eternity
  • Tantalus
    • served up own children to gods
    • tantalized for all of eternity 

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